Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012 - I'll go where You want me to go

For the last week, I’ve been listening to music that was given to me two years ago as a Christmas gift from a very dear friend (Thanks again CG!  You’re a blessing in so many ways!).  The CD is titled “It’s Christmas” and the artist is Ledisi.

The first song on this project is a simple and beautiful one entitled “I’ll Go”.    
When I hear this song...
It touches me in a way that makes me nod my head yes.   
I agree and witness to the words.   
It humbles me. 
It brings tears to my eyes and reminds me what is really important. 
My commitment to my spiritual assignment is refreshed. 
I don't know what's ahead on the road but I'm on it.
I’m encouraged to keep teaching, blogging and speaking even though my calendar shows that I don’t have the time to invest.
Big reaction from so few words...
I’ll go where You want me to go.

 The You I'm referering to in this post is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 Here's a link to the song along with pictures of the talented artist!   I'll Go - Ledisi 

I have it on repeat on my MP3 player.  

In 2012, I’ll go.  Will you?

Thank you for allowing me to share with you in 2011.  Welcome 2012!  

Happy New Year  Devy@dreamstime

Monday, December 26, 2011

Debt Series: Simple Truth #1 - The Bible Instructs Us to Avoid Debt

In early December, I read a short article on that stated that US household debt decreased for the 13th consecutive quarter.  I read another story on that same day that stated that US household debt was almost equal to the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP)!  In pulling together the single message that I got from reading both articles I reasoned that in the US,  individuals like you and me collectively have a high amount of debt but we’ve been working since November 2008 to decrease this debt and actually pay some of it off.

A debt is an obligation owed by one individual to another.  A debt is created when a lender (creditor) agrees to lend one or more assets to an individual (debtor).  This agreement includes terms for repayment which is likely to consist of a payment schedule and interest.  A debt can also refer to moral and/or other non-financial conditions. 

A key point to note as you start to wrap your mind around this subject is that debt is created as a part of an agreement between two or more parties.  It is not forced or entered into without our consent.  Debt doesn't just happen to us, we must be willing participants to enter into debt.  For this reason, it is important to understand what the biblical principles communicate to us on this topic so that we can govern ourselves accordingly. 

The bible instructs us to avoid debt.  Are you not aware that this instruction is in the Holy Bible?  Do you have questions on where these instructions are located in God's word?  Let's reVerse!

Let's establish and agree upon one thing:  The Lord loves his people and has a desire for us to live a prosperous life.  Principles in the Holy Bible support this fact.  I've written about this earlier.  Click here to read my blog post on this topic. 
It is important to establish this as a truth and keep this fact in hour heart and mind as we review what the scriptures say about debt. 

Debt is slavery.  Jesus died for our freedom and we should not enter into slavery with man.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.  Proverbs 22:7 KJV

Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. 1 Corinthians 7:23  KJV

To be in slavery is to operate under the control of another.  When we are in debt, we financially operate under the control of those to whom we owe money.  The bible clearly notes that this is a curse that will overtake those that do not obey the Lord.
By following God’s commandments, the people of God will be lenders to and rulers over many nations.

if only you fully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today.  For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.  Deuteronomy 15:5-6 NIV

Positive results for following the word of God, will include the heavens being opened, prosperity in the land and the people of God will not be borrowers.  
If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.  All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:  The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.  The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.   Deuteronomy 28: 1, 2, 12, 13 NIV
There are negative consequences for failing to follow the word of God, one of them is to be enslaved by debt. 
However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you:  The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.  They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.  Deuteronomy 28:15, 43-44 NIV

Does this mean that we should never borrow anything?  I personally interpret this to me mean that we should not live a lifestyle of debt.   A lifestyle of debt is one in which the way that one gets through their daily survival is by borrowing and accumulating debt. 
Accounts in the Christian Holy Bible indicate that the people of God borrowed for different reasons.   They borrowed so that they would have food to eat (Nehemiah 5:3), tools to do work (2 Kings 6:5) and they borrowed as instructed by the prophet to come out of debt (2 Kings 4:3).  In these example of borrowing, the instance where debt was being accumulated to cover daily food needs was discouraged.  
In Nehemiah Chapter 5, the people of God were hungry and there was a famine.  Families in lack were borrowing and being charged high amounts of interest for their everyday food needs and to pay their taxes by those with abundance.   This is an example of the rich ruling over the poor and the borrower being servant to the lender.  Nehemiah, knowing the word of God, was angered by this and delt with the community on this issue. The Lord honored his word and Nehemiah's prayers.
Debt is discouraged.  The people of God are to know and live by the fact that the Lord is the owner of the earth and everything that is in it and that He is our source for getting our needs met.
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.  Psalm 24:1 NIV
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:31-33 NIV

When you truly take this truth to heart, you will see a dramatic lifestyle change if you now operate in a debt lifestyle.  Knowing that God owns everything and that He knows what you need and that His timing is perfect, we feel less of a need to have things "right now" and go into debt getting them. 

Does this mean that we should not have a desire for nice and new things?  Absolutely not!  I love having nice things - and I do have some nice stuff if I must say so myself!  The point here is that I have not been burdened by debt to get them.  Many were blessings from the Lord that cost me no money!  I will share some of these testimonies as a part of this blog and I know that some of you will think that I'm fabricating the truth in some instances.  I'd love to get your feedback in the comments section of this blog when that time comes.  These will be great discussions!

Note that the Holy Bible states that we have not because we ask not of God (James 4:2).  James chapter 4 continues on in verse 3 to state that if you ask and don't receive you should check your motives.  If we seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness we should trust that He knows our needs and the perfect timing for us.  When you feel need to borrow for your needs - and I emphasize needs - honestly ask yourself ' from where is this desire originating?' 
You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.  When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.  James 4:2-3 NIV

The first time that I took an honest look at my financial obligations was about 2 years after I completed college.  At the age of 22, I was working for a large Information Technology Services firm and I was young, energetic and worked dilligently to ensure that I was producing quality deliverables for my computer services customers. 
One day, there was a problem in the system that I was assigned to resolve and one deliverable from this fix was a printed report to my customers.  I committed to have the report in their hands by noon.  I completed the software programming changes, tested the changes and confirmed that the system issue was resolved to my satisfaction.  I viewed the report on the terminal screen and again confirmed that my work was completed.  Wow - As I type this I remember now what a great feeling that was then!   OK... back to the story...  The last thing to do to wrap-up this assignment up was to get the printed report so that I could hand deliver it to my customers.  This is where the problems began.
Being in a large scale Information Technology processing center, we had no printers in our personal work areas.  Our printing needs were being served by regular scheduled print deliveries from a centralized print operations center that was several suburbs away.  To make a long story short, I tried 3 times to get the report in my hand to no avail.  It missed the delivery truck, it was lost in shuffle of many large reports, the delivery truck was making rounds to other buildings – you name the excuse and it happened!   My third attempt at 1 PM (one hour after the report was promised to my customers) was comprised of me driving to the print operations center to personally pick up the report only to find that it was mistakenly put on the delivery truck ignoring my telephone instructions to hold it for my pick up.  You can guess the next account – drive back to the office – no printed report. 
It now sounds like a Chevy Chase movie but then it sounded like rhythmic drums in my ears.  As I angered, I could feel my muscles tightening and I could hear my quickening heartbeats audibly as my blood pressure elevated.  After making a few unprofessional and unholy phone calls and sharing words of frustrations with my team members, I stormed out the office for the day.  I arrived home just before 3 PM with my blood pressure so elevated that all I could do was to rest on my sofa.  As I lay there and heard and felt the thumps of my increased heartrate, I decided that this job wasn’t worth it and that I was going to quit.  There! That’s what I’ll do… Problem solved! 
I continued to rest and think.  I realized that I had bills to pay and even though the bills were not stretching me financially, I could not quit my job until I paid off the debts and garnered some savings.  I would need to do this in case I didn't land another job right away.   I remember thinking…”I can do that… Instead of quitting I will have to go back to work tomorrow but I will work to get in a better financial position by saving more and paying my current debts so that I then would able to quit if I wanted to.”  Like magic, personal fiscal responsibility became a part of my life.  Silly way to get there but the thoughts and actions of our youth are not always sound but in this case it worked. 
From that point forward, I purposefully avoided charging on credit cards and creating debt without first saving for the purchase and having a reasonable plan for paying off most obligations in 12 months or less.  I still had debt and charged on credit cards but I did this in a more conscious way.  I wasn’t debt free but debt payments didn’t consume a large amount of my income either.  I did not have any personal financial managment education from home, high school or college  I didn’t know about what God’s word said about debt and money management.  I wasn’t following His commandments nor was I following in the footsteps of my friends and peers as they made several major purchases on credit in a short period of time.   I continued to use my revised method of operation for non-mortgage debts for many years until I saw the vision of the ship.  More about that later… 
What are your current thoughts on personal debt?   Are you living a lifestyle of debt?  How much debt do you have today? 
Today is a great day to take a look at your personal relationship with debt.  A good way to do that is to create a list of your current debt obligations.  Debt obligations include all established mortgages, credit card balances, balances owed for cars, furniture and other installment purchases.  For each debt that you have, list the following information:
Creditor Name              What was purchased
Account Balance          Monthly payment      Interest Rate                    
Total credit line (max amount that can be charged) – this is for revolving / credit card accounts only
With this list completed, you will be able to have an accurate, up-to-date view of your current debt situation.  This is the first step in beginning, improving or resuming your financial management responsibilities in the area of your personal debts.
Debt-to-income ratio
Your debt to income ratio is a measurement that is used by creditors to determine your capability to take on more or pay your current debts based on how much you owe and how much income you have.  This is calculated by dividing your current monthly debt payments by your total gross monthly income.  For example:
Current monthly debt payments -  $1,577
Current gross monthly income - $2600
Debt to income ratio – 61%  (1577 divided by 2600)
This debt inventory exercise is a part of most commercial budget management software packages.  Your can also do this by using a spreadsheet on your computer or with a simple pencil and piece of paper.  For your convenience, I’ve created a simple spreadsheet that you can use to capture this information.  This tool will enable you to capture and document the information I listed above and it will total the approriate colums and calculate your debt to income ratio for you.  Click here to download this free tool to your computer.  
If you’d like to ask for God’s help in your debt situation, seek him diligently.  I know that the my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ hears and answers prayers.  Here’s a prayer that you could use as a starting point in petitioning His guidance in this area.

Lord, I thank you for your word.  I thank you that your word is living, active and sharp.  I ask that as I read your word, the desire to study, know and operate as your word instructs increases.  Lord, I repent for any financial decisions concerning debt that I made in the past that are directly against your word.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me today Lord as I strive to operate as your word directs me in the areas of debt and borrowing.  As I take the responsibility to write down and take charge of my debts, I seek your wisdom and understanding in managing personal finances following your principles.  I thank you Lord that as your child, I am an lender and not a borrower.  I receive your blessings of rain in its season as you bless the works of my hands.  I commit to not be a slave to man and to be your servant only.  Thank you for this divine understanding.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen. 
I welcome your comments, feedback and questions.  Please post all feedback in the comments area directly below this writing. 

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Debt Series: The Christian Biblical Perspective on Debt in 5 Simple Points

This is the beginning of a series that focuses on debt.  Personal financial debt.  

The goal of this series is to use biblical scriptures and scenarios to demonstrate God’s point of view on debt.  This includes defining debt, understanding that debt is slavery in God’s eyes and clearly detailing God’s word as it states what will happen to those that don’t follow His word and His commandments. 
I will also use scripture to support the Christian principles on practical debt related activities that we operate in daily including fully owning our current financial responsibilities, paying bills in a timely manner and co-signing. 
I’ll also share my personal point of view and testimony on this topic.
As a part of this series I will challenge you to take a look at your current views, practices and conditions when it comes to debt and take steps to begin making adjustments as you deem appropriate.  I will offer complimentary worksheets to you to allow you to begin to better manage your personal debt as we work toward operating in a way that better aligns to God’s word.
I pray that through this series, all strongholds concerning financial debt that may be present in your life will be broken in the name of Jesus.  I’m praying that you will strengthen your walk with the Lord by asking Him to be your guide for managing your personal finances.
If you would like to receive from the Lord in this area, I’m inviting you to pray this prayer as you prepare to better align with Him in the area of personal financial management: 
Father God, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the head of my life and all that I possess.  I thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to lead and guide us to all truth.  Again, I thank you for leading me to Your truth, guidance and direction on the matter of debt. Lord I pray that as I read and study your word on debt, you will reveal to me those hidden things that are causing me to stumble.  Please change me, first on the inside, and remove any lack of understanding and deception that may be a part of my life today in the area of finances and debt.  I want to be a faithful steward and let my light shine and represent you in all that I do, including managing money and possessions.  In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen
Please post questions and comments in the area directly below this writing.  If you are subscribing via email you will need to visit  directly to post comments. 

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Living in Budget Deficit Conditions - What does it mean?

I remember late July 2011 - many unanswered questions on what was going to happen to our US economy.  Many words on raising the debt ceiling...threats to shutdown the federal government...

Throughout the remainder of summer and early fall did it seem that we made it through those times and all is right with our US economy?  Do you remember what happened then?  Are you clear on our current national financial situation?

Let me recall and paint a "wide brushstroke" picture of what's going on today on this subject.

Managing Finances 101:  Income vs Expenditures
Individually you and I have wages, tips and/or a salary as our source of income.  For those of us that are blessed to be past the season of vocational labor have retirements or pension income.  For those of us entitled,  Social Security benefit payments serve as the source of income.  Some of us have more than one of these income sources to cover our daily living expenses.  

We have payment obligations monthly that cover the cost of living which include, food, clothing and shelter costs, transportation and recreation costs, medicine and medical costs and payment on any debts that we may have.  We all strive to maintain a position where our payment obligations are not more than the amount of money that we bring in monthly.  As we prosper, we save and invest the extra income that we have after paying our bills and obligations.  If these are not goals that you have, I speak these prophetically for you right now! Amen.

Deficit - 1.  the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required  2. A deficiency in amount or quality 

A budget deficit is the amount of money by which the spending is higher than the amount coming in for a selected period of time.  Here's an example of a personal budget deficit. 

If I earn $100 a week in wages and my bills and obligations are $150 a week, I'm operating in a $50 per week deficit in my personal finances.  If this continues for an entire year with no additional income being generated nor any obligations being eliminated, I will more than likely have to borrow to meet my obligations or just not pay my bills.  If I borrow, it would have to be on a credit card or some credit source that I currently have.  In this financial situation other reputable loan options are scarce.  I choose to pay my bills and obligations and use my credit card to make up the difference of what I owe and my income.

Here I am, using my credit card weekly to make up the difference between what I owe and what I have as income.  I start with a credit card with a zero balance.   I'm charging $50 weekly for a year (52 weeks) so my credit card has a balance of $2,650 at the end of the year.  $2,650 is my budget deficit for the year.  Since I don't have a way to begin paying off this amount it continues to grow weekly.  There is also interest added to this because we know that credit card companies are not in the welfare business.  Unless I do something different, this credit card balance will continue to grow.

To share more with you in this situation, throughout the year I made more obligations - some were needed (car repairs, damage to a tree in my yard, traveling to unexpected family funerals) and some were because I wanted to (bought a new TV, went on a last minute trip with my friends, picked up a few of the "must have" fashions for the season).  I also got an increase in my income (Thank you Lord!).  The bottom line - my payment obligations are now $75 more than my weekly income so my credit card charges continue to go up.  This is mentally exhausting... I just want to ignore it and act as if this is not happening.  In this example, I do. 

After continuing to charge on my credit card and not paying off the balance, eventually the card reached my agreed-upon credit limit.   I cannot charge additional daily living items on my credit card without going to the establishment that issued the card and asking them to increase my credit limit.  To do this, I'd call the bank that issued the credit card and humbly request an increase to my credit limit.  Increasing this limit is up to the bank.  If they find me credit worth they will grant my request.  If I'm considered one that may not be able to pay back the balance, they will not make the requested credit limit increase.

Let's use the principles in this scenario to outline what's happening in our federal government.

As a nation we also operate using income and expenditure principles.  Our main federal government income sources are:

Federal income taxes from our paychecks 

Social Security taxes from our paychecks

Corporate income taxes

Sales and property taxes that we pay

Excise Taxes (US Customs fees, gasoline taxes...)

Unemployment Insurance

Various business charges and fees

As we do individually, our nation also has payment obligations.   Our governmental payments and expenditure categories include the following: 
Government pensions and retirement benefits,

Health care programs including medicare and medicaid,

Education at all levels including all local public education programs
Defense including all departments of defense and veterans affairs

Welfare programs including family and children's services, unemployment, workman's compensation, housing and public welfare programs. 

Our fiscal year (financial year) for our Federal Government is October 1 through September 30th.  We ended our fiscal year 2011 on September 30th and we are now operating in fiscal year 2012.

To sum up fiscal year 2011, our federal income for the year was 2.6 trillion US dollars.  Our payments and expenditures for fiscal 2011 were 3.8 trillion US dollars(b).  From the time our 2011 federal budget was created, we expected to have an income shortfall and we did - in the amount of approximately 1.3 trillion US dollars for the year.  To cover this shortfall, we are "borrowing" on a regular basis - just like the in my earlier credit card scenario.

Well, to go back, we've been operating our nation with a income shortfall when compared to the expenditures for many years.   As a result, we've maxed out the amount of money that our United States Treasury can borrow.  Our crisis in July was centered around the process of requesting an increase to our US debt ceiling -  the maximum amount of debt that the US can carry.  What transpired was that the US debt ceiling was raised and the Budget Control Act of 2011 was implemented.  This act includes a plan for reducing the budget deficit (by increasing revenue or lowering payments) and allowing for additional debt ceiling increases in the near term. 

Since March 1962, we've initiatied acts of Congress that has resulted in our US debt ceiling being raised a total of 74 times.  This was not a new situation for the US.  I describe it as a continuation of what can be considered a flawed normal operational procedure.

Take Away...
I pray that this information is helpful to you in understanding what is going on today in our world finances.  As we operate in this world we are called to be salt of the earth and light of the world. 

 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  Matthew 5:13-14 NIV

As Christian believers, we are to be like salt, that can do many things including healing wounds.  Our existing worldly ways of managing finances has caused wounds in our economy and no one seems to have a convincing plan of what we should do to make things better. 

I am convinced that as we follow Christian biblical principles for managing money and possessions,  each of us will be a witness to the world in the area of finances and to God be the glory!  My future posts will include specifics on some key biblical principles and offer practical steps that we can take to begin to make a positive difference for us individually in the mist of the national financial turmoil that is going on around us.

If you personally are operating in a budget deficit in your finances, this is a call to recognize that situation and take the courage to begin making changes to eradicate this condition.   Please know that there is is a way to turn this around.  It won't be instant or easy but the result will be so liberating that you'll look back and appreciate the struggle.  You will be so excited to be out of bondage that you will proudly stand up and reflect as you tel others about the situation you are in right now where today you are too ashamed to admit your current situation to yourself.  I pray that the Lord speaks to you today and stirs up a passion in you to seek His word on this subject and begin operating in it.  Let me know if that is you.  I want to help in any way that I can!

Did this high level explanation help you in your understanding?
I'd love to get comments from you.  Please take a moment to respond by posting a comment in the comment section that is directly below this reading.

Be blessed and stay tuned!  


(a)  1.  Dictionary Free  by YouLoft Tech. Co., Ltd
(b)  Budget of the US Government FY 2011;


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Lord wants you to prosper!

What do you think is the overall theme to us that is being expressed by the Christian biblical scriptures when it comes to money?  

Do you think that it is expected that you give all your earnings to the poor?  

Focus on giving your money to the church so that you can go to heaven?  

Do you think that you should not desire nice things, live a humble life and fear the Lord?  

What about not being able to get into heaven as a rich man?
I want to share with you that the Lord wants you to prosper!  

Despite what you’ve heard, what you’ve been told or what you’ve believed in the past, The Lord wants you to prosper!  Let’s reVerse…

Deuteronomy 5:33  “Walk in obedience to all that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.”
Deuteronomy 30:2, 9  “and when you and your children return to the LORD your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today…
Then the LORD your God will make you most prosperous in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your land. The LORD will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors “
Proverbs 21:21Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”
Acts 13:17 “The God of the people of Israel chose our ancestors; he made the people prosper during their stay in Egypt; with mighty power he led them out of that country;”
Notice a common necessary requirement?  In these and other scriptures that provide instructions or report on instances of prosperity, complete obedience to God’s will is noted as a main ingredient.
The Lord wants you to prosper!  “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”  (Luke 12:32)  He lets us know that we are the salt of the earth and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14).  How much of an influence would we be if we are poor and unable to help others?
Know that the Christian biblical scriptures are the truth.  Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right… think about such things!  (Phil 4:8)
Think back...did your parents, elders, teachers, coach or mentor want you to do well?  Does this introduce an opportunity for a new way of thinking for you?

Take the time...
As a takeaway from this subject, write down your honest answer to the following question:  "I've always thought that the overall "money" message to me from the bible said..."
See if you can find scripture references to validate this bible "money" message that you've always believed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Join me at Reign Makers Business Women's Power Luncheon!

Reign Makers
Business Women's Power Luncheon 
Guest Speaker - Carolyn Williams  
Friday, Nov 4th| 11:15 - 1:00 pm | Bent Tree Country Club
5201 Westgrove Drive  Dallas, TX  75248

Join us for a powerful time of networking, inspiration and impartation during our Business Women's Power Luncheon. Connect with other great women of God including business owners, executives, professionals, working mothers and homemakers who are Reign Makers! Glean great insights from guest speaker, Carolyn Williams as she shares wisdom and strategies on God's plan for wealth transfers and how we can prepare.

You will also hear her incredible story of miraculous healing from a brain tumor and how God used this season in her life to teach her about Kingdom finances and the power of "giving" that transformed her and launched her into great financial success and tremendous business influence. As a top management executive for a global retailer, God is using her to train, equip and release others in financial and professional success. 

Don't miss this exciting time! Luncheon is $25. Visit for more information.  Register early to double your opportunity to win!


Each attendee with their registration will receive the opportunity to win the newest light-weight Kindle with Wi Fi and the ultimate Bible Study Suite. Also, everyone who registers by October 31st will receive 2 entries for the Kindle giveaway!

Bring a friend and remember registration ends Wednesday, November 2nd.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Money Reverse - The bible instructions on handling money

Wonder why this blog is named Money-Reverse?  Good question.  Let me explain...

I am convinced that our guiding principles for handling money and possessions are already established in God's word.  Some general categories of these guiding principles are as follows:
  1. The Lord wants us to prosper
  2. Recognizing God as the true owner of everything
  3. Managing what is personally entrusted to us
  4. Working to earn a living
  5. Taking care of family
  6. Avoiding debt
  7. Giving to the building of God's kingdom
  8. Giving to the poor
  9. Being a generous giver
  10. Paying what we owe...on time
  11. Saving and investing
  12. Preparing for your demise
  13. Leaving a legacy
Scriptures support basic instructions on these topics.  These instructions are as valid for us today as they were for the early followers of Christ. 

I'd like to encourage all readers to join me in examining the bible verses that support these instructions.  I promise you that there have been no new verses inserted or appended to God's word to guide us in these days that could prove to be financially challenging.  The prefix re means "again" when you pair it with the root word that immediately follows.  Because it is likely that you've studied these scriptures before, I'd like for us to re-read these verses and look at them as if you're seeking God's instructions on managing money and possessions.  Let's call this a re-verse exercise with the goal of reversing all non-biblical, unfavorable individual and global financial conditions.

Are you in?  Let me know and stay tuned! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

World financial instability - What do we do?

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Yesterday and today will prove to be eventful in our worldwide financial markets - and not in a good way.  CNBC had a special program on TV entitled "Markets in Turmoil".  At the close of yesterday's US stock market, the Dow was down 635 points, closing at 10,810, Nasdaq down 6.9% to close at 2,358 and the S&P down 80 points ending the day at 1,119.   Sentiments continued in the European and Middle Eastern markets.  Expecting more of the same with today's market opening at 8:30 central time.

I'm one that loves God and have committed to follow principles in the Holy Bible in the managing 100% of financial resources and assets that are in my possession.  I'm not perfect by a long shot and I haven't always done everything as I should have.  I'm not educated in the area of finances outside of what I've been taught through His word and the Holy Spirit.  I can profess that knowing what God's word says on finances, petitioning Him for wisdom in this area and embracing multiple prophetic visions on this subject over the years contributes to my ability to rest in Him during these unstable times and prepare to position and prosper in this season.

Check this blog and I will share some of the biblical financial principles that I follow.  If you don't know what you should do in these financial times, my prayer is that from the info you read here, you will begin to develop a personal financial management plan that works for you today, tomorrow and beyond!

You'll also learn more about me along the way...