Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The 2013 Partial Government Shutdown - Got Questions? Here's some answers!

According to historical records, the 2013 partial government shutdown is not a first.   We've been here before.  Our current situation - because the spending approvals are not in place, it is a federal crime to spend government funds as of October 1, 2013, the first day of the US federal government fiscal year.

You need to know more about what's going on.  That's a statement - not a question.  I'm including a link here to an article that I find extremely helpful in breaking down the situation into digestible fact morsels.  

The article is titled "66 Questions and Answers about the Government Shutdown" and is published in one of my favorite papers, the USA Today.  The author is Gregory Korte who in my opinion is an outstanding writer and reporter for that paper.

Here's some of the questions that are answered in this article:

- What causes a government shutdown?

- Why is it happening now?

- What is the difference between a shutdown and the debt crisis?

- Will I still get my mail if the government is shutdown?

- Will I be able to get a passport? Food stamps? Visit a national park?

- Will I get my Social Security check? Unemployment Benefits? WIC? What about federally funded school lunch programs?

- Will taxes be collected while the government is shutdown?

- If I'm being audited by the IRS, will this continue?

- How many people will be sent home from work during a government shutdown?

- Will active military personnel get paid?

- Will the President and White House Staff get paid during a shutdown?

This is only 16 of the 66 questions that are answered.  Read the USA Today piece "66 Questions and Answers about the Government Shutdown".  Fifty more fiscal educational facts available to you.

It costs you something to pay attention.  In this case the cost is a little reading time.  Well worth the investment in my opinion...

Let me know what you think.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Money reVerse winner of Motorola XOOM tablet announced!

We Have A Winner!!

Congratulations to Kimberly Stewart of Lewisville Texas.   She is the winner of the Money reVerse Motorola XOOM Sweepstakes!

Kimberly was selected via a random drawing of all Money reVerse blog and twitter followers.  
As the winner she's receiving a Motorola XOOM Android tablet.  It boasts a dual core processor, 2 cameras, HD display and the Android Operating System.  Portable as it has a 10.1 inch screen and weighs 1.6 pounds.  

All of this because she's a Money reVerse follower.  Congratulations to Kim!

Keep on following everyone!  More sweepstakes are on the way!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Win a Motorola XOOM Android Wi-Fi Tablet from Money reVerse!!

Ok, Money reVerse followers!  Here is another opportunity to win great gifts!  

Win this Motorola XOOM Android tablet.  It boasts a dual core processor, 2 cameras, HD display and the Android Operating System.  Portable as it has a 10.1 inch screen and weighs 1.6 pounds.  Just what you need to keep high end technology with  you at all times!!

Winner will be selected on Friday July 5, 2013 via a random drawing from the collection of all Money reVerse followers.  Follow by email or via twitter and you're entered.  Follow in both places and you're entered twice!

Thanks again for supporting Money reVerse.  Blessed to be a blessing!!


Official Rules:  Eligible entrants must be US residents age 18 or older on 7/5/2013.  No purchase necessary to enter.  Winner will be selected by random drawing of eligible participants.  Eligible participants are individuals that meet the above listed criteria and subscribe to email electronic updates (follow by email) to Money reVerse website at www.moneyreverse.net or by following twitter updates from @moneyreverse twitter account.  Electronic subscription confirmation must be completed for each entrant.  Each eligible participant may have a single entry for each email address that follows the Money reVerse website and a single entry for each twitter account that follows @moneyreverse.  Odds of winning determined by the number of entries.  Winner will receive a Motorola XOOM Wi-Fi 10.1 inch Android tablet after being selected in a random drawing on 7/5/2013.  Winner will be notified by the communications method used to enter the sweepstakes and will have 14 days to acknowledge notification of prize winning.  Failure to respond to winner notification in 14 days will result in the forfeiting of the prize and an alternate winner being selected.  Prize estimated retail value is $301.78.  Winner will be required to sign a release and affidavit of eligibility that allows the use of the winner's name and location and/or likeness in a notification/marking campaign sponsored by Money reVerse.  This sweepstakes is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Motorola or Twitter, Inc.           Money reVerse Carrollton, TX 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Part 2 - Stock Market Primer questions answered

Welcome to the Stock Market Primer follow-up --part 2.   Here I will again  answer questions about investing in the stock market.  The questions are ones that time did not permit me to answer during a recent meeting in which I was invited to be a guest speaker.   The small group ministry or life team hosting the meeting was the Strategic Business Relationships and Career Transition group which is lead by Carlyn Davis from Covenant Church in Carrollton Texas.

To recap the meeting goals, at the end of the meeting I wanted the ladies attending to have the following take-aways:   

1.  Have scripture references that confirm that Christian financial principles encourage investing.

2.  Understand stock securities and be able to read a stock quote.

3.  Have an understanding of our key US Stock Markets (Dow, NASDAQ and S&P 500) including what they represent and their all time high values.

4.  Be able to follow market / investing conversations on financial
TV shows by having knowledge of Bears and Bulls, Insiders, Market Capitalization, Market Sentiment, SEC and a host of other US Stock Market terms and concepts.

With a title like Money reVerse, you know that I must take the opportunity to reintroduce biblical scripture that contains principles that we should apply to our personal money management practices.  Here's additional biblical scriptures that encourage investing.   

Biblical Scriptures that Encourage Investing

"The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, But those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty."    Proverbs 21:5 NKJV

The primary reason that we invest is to make money.  Period.  In managing money and investments take the wisdom of this scripture to heart and be one that makes plans and that is diligent.  A diligent person uses care and conscientiousness in everything they do.   They think things through, create action plans and they make things happen!  The contra action of diligence is to act quickly with little information - and the scripture here states that the plans of those will lead to poverty.  As I share with you on investing, I'm keeping the wisdom from this scripture in plain view.  I want to encourage and promote diligent approaches not only to investing but in all money management strategies.   

Because the Lord is the owner of everything and we are stewards of His resources, we should also be diligent in seeking Him for guidance in our investment strategies.  Here's a scripture from Isaiah that confirms this truth.

"Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel:  'I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.'"                                 

                                                    Isaiah 48:17 NKJV

I will continue to seek the Lord's guidance as I  make investments and as I daily manage all of the financial resources that He has entrusted to me.   Scripture here confirms that He teaches us to profit and leads us by the way we should go.   Again, see the management of your personal and business finances in scope to be governed by this scriptural truth.  Strive to be a great steward of all things entrusted to you by the Lord.  Can you commit to join me and also seek the Lord for guidance in investments and in the daily management of your finances?  

Did you notice that instead of good steward I said great steward? Subtle but noticeable difference... More to come on this  

Now on to answering the final questions presented by the group attending the Stock Market Primer session!

IPO - Initial Public Offering

Q: Why is it good to get in on a stock investment at IPO time?
A:  The biggest draw to buying a stock at the time that it's IPO or Initial Public Offering launches is the possibility that the investment will turn out to be like getting a  winning lottery ticket - buy the stock for a low price and cash in within a few days when the  stock doubles or triples in price.   The expectation is that with all of the focused marketing and the excitement and energy generated around the first offering of the stock, the demand to get in early will drive the stock price high in a short period of time.  For anyone that got in at that initial price, that would translate into quick profits.  For example,  look at the SeaWorld Entertainment IPO (stock symbol SEAS) that took place on Friday April 19th 2013.  It was filed with the SEC and officially announced to the public on December 27th 2012.  During the 4 months between the time that the IPO was announced and it's launch date there were many news stories and press releases about the company and the stock offering.  The initial stock price was proposed and debated by market analysts in the public eye for 4 months.  Now, let me tell you what SeaWorld entertainment did on Friday April 19th 2013 - the IPO Launch day.  On that day, just before the New York Stock Exchange opening bell,  all the traders and TV viewers were energized by a parade of SeaWorld performers, live penguins, otters and other animals marching across the actual NYSE trading floor.

SeaWorld Entertainment stock opened at $27 a share and closed at $33.52 a share on it's first day of trading - a profit of $6.52 a share for those that were able to get in at the $27 price.  If you purchased 100 shares on that opening day at that opening price, you banked an additional $652 profit - a 24% return.  Not bad at all for a single day of trading against a single stock!  Again, it's the possibility of first day of trading profits like this or better than this drives investors to IPOs in large numbers.
(at the time of this writing, I have no open positions in SeaWorld Entertainment stock or derivatives.)

Q:  How do you know when a company will IPO?
A:  Great question!  There are many online sites that detail information on companies that are scheduled to go public.  To find some of this information do a google search on IPO Calendar.  Personally, my favorite place for digging into the details of scheduled IPOs is on the NASDAQ site.  The web address is www.nasdaq.com/markets/ipos.

Q: How can someone that is a small investor participate in an IPO?  Can they?
A: I don't have a definition for what could be classified as a "small investor", but I can say that anyone that has the required funds in a brokerage account on IPO day can participate in an IPO.  I must make you aware that sometimes the demand for that brand new stock on the market is so great that it will be like you're standing in a long line waiting to make your purchase.  In that case you make the stock trade and you keep checking for the purchase confirmation that never seems to come... I've been there a few times!!   There are no minimum purchase quantities set on the number of stock shares that must be purchased.  Using the SeaWorld Entertainment  IPO as an example - anyone could participate in that IPO for as little as $27 - the opening price to purchase one share of the stock.  To simply answer the question, yes - a small investor can participate in an IPO.  Even if that small investor is you!


Q: Can you explain Insider trading?
A:  Ahhh... thanks for the question.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to correctly explain this term better than I did in the session.

An insider is a company officer or director or any individual that owns more than 10% of the voting shares or voting rights of a company.  Technically, insider trading is the buying and selling of any securities by anyone that is considered to be an insider.  These are the folks that are invested in the daily operations and strategies of the company and therefore may have access to information about the business activities and plans that are not known to the general public.  These are the people that could play a role in making key decisions that could be business impacting like merging with or acquiring another company, expansion the business operations or having products being evaluated for recall actions.  Because these individuals have this type of information,  they could buy or sell stock based on this knowledge before it is released to the general public and that would be unethical.  Again, for our protection the SEC requires that companies make key business information available to the general public through the regulatory reports.    For this reason the SEC regulates the stock trading activities of insiders by monitoring for suspicious activity and requiring full disclosure of their trading activities to the general public.

When ever we hear about "insider trading" it is usually associated with SEC investigations surrounding allegations of trading violations.  This is the example that I used in the session.  While the use of the words insider trading in relation to violations is the correct wording,  I wanted to also clarify that the  trading of any stocks and other securities by anyone considered to be an insider technically is considered to be insider trading - even with no violations.  Great question!

Q:  When stock prices drop - could these declines be caused by insiders leaking confidential company information? 
A: You know I guess anything is possible.  More than likely when a stock drops in price this is not the case.  There is just no good reason for an insider to say something negative about something that is theirs to improve to make it more valuable.   Think about it like you're selling your car.  Would you start spreading around information that could cause your car to be worth less money  (for instance, the car has bad smell that can't be removed, engine is not good, unsafe vehicle, desirable by thieves...)?  Not likely if you really want to sell your car.  Same with an insider.  They have a vested interest in the company and if they are a company officer or director they are paid to help to make the organization more profitable thus increasing the value of the stock.  Leaking negative company information could cost the individual their job or even have stronger disciplinary actions.  To simply answer the question,  it is possible but not likely in my opinion.

Q: Do we have access to information on company insiders to get details on their investment activities?
A:  The short answer is yes!  Thanks to the SEC regulations,  full disclosure of company financial information,  business operational plans and insider stock purchasing and selling activities is readily available to the general public!   Having access to this information takes the mystery out of knowing how the company being operated.   Because of this, information about the associated trading activity of the officers of every public company is included in their company profile.   This information is easily accessible by anyone that has an interest.  Pre-investment company research steps will quickly reveal these details.

Again, to those that attended the Stock Market Primer session, you were a outstanding group!  You got it!  I can tell from the conversations that we had after the session that day and as I've chatted with several of you since then.  You are intelligent and have no problems comprehending new financial concepts and ideas.   You can trust yourself to begin the forward motion into a new season of promotion when it comes to all things financial.  Profiting through investing is in your near future.  Receive it! 

Thanks again to Carlyn Davis for inviting me as a speaker for this meeting and I pray financial promotions to all meeting attendees and to all Money reVerse readers.  

If you'd like to see more teaching on investing, let me know.   My goal is to serve you! 

Click here for previous post in this series


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Join me at the Becoming a Woman of Excellence Conference!

Country Road, take me home...  Not original but it seems so appropriate.

I am looking forward to the weekend of June 8th in which I along with two of my anointed friends will travel to the Wolfe Project community in Tillar, Arkansas to greet the ladies and gentlemen of St. Andrew MB Church.  

The women's department of St. Andrew MB Church is hosting "Becoming a Woman of Excellence" conference and I will be one of the guest speakers.  I am honored to serve during this conference and especially humbled as I will be returning home to the church that I attended as a child!

Those of you that know me can confirm that I have only one very important message - We should be eager to move into our proper place as we manage our personal finances following the principles detailed in the Christian Holy bible.  This message will be packaged in a frame that will be a custom fit for those that will be in the congregation as I'm guided by the Holy Spirit.  You don't want to miss it!

The conference chairpersons are Ms. Hilda Alexander and First lady Patricia Allen.  This church is under the leadership of Pastor Eddie Allen, Sr.

Get more information on this conference here and make plans to join us.  No charge for the conference.  Guaranteed to be life-changing!  Will be great to see you there!

Stock Market Primer Session - Your questions answered online!

Click here to listen to this post!

Talk about a fun morning!  I was recently invited to be a guest speaker at a Saturday morning Christian Ministry small group meeting.  The focus of the meeting was to introduce the attendees to the US stock market and investing concepts.  After getting the invite, I was so honored and responded that I would love to play a part in this opportunity to encourage others to expand their financial knowledge.

If you haven't been introduced to the small group ministry concept, it is simply the way that large church ministries accomplish the small church / "everybody is connected" atmosphere.  A leader with a specific passion creates a single focused group and opens it up to any members of the large church that may be interested.  This group has meetings, events and they study, grow, pray together and serve each other through the trials, challenges and celebrations that are a part of normal life.

The small group that I was invited to attend is the Strategic Business Relationships and Career Transition group that is lead by Carlyn Davis.  This group is birthed from Covenant Church in Carrollton, Texas.

The goal that I had was that at the end of the meeting the ladies that were attending would:
1.  Have scripture references that confirm that Christian financial principles encourage investing.
2.  Know what a stock security is and be able to read a stock quote
3.  Have an understanding of our key US Stock Markets (Dow, NASDAQ and S&P 500) including what they represent and their all time high values.
4.  Be able to follow market / investing conversations on financial
TV shows by having knowledge of Bears and Bulls, Insiders, Market Capitalization, Market Sentiment, SEC and other US Stock Market terms and concepts.

To accomplish these lofty goals in a 45 minute period of time I asked everyone to act as baseball game back catcher - ready and expecting that something will be delivered to you at a fast pace and be ready to catch and control it.  Each individual was given blank paper slips to use to jot questions that came to mind and throughout the session I took the time to  answer some of these questions on scheduled intervals.  From the feedback, I am very happy to report that everyone in the session noted that they learned (not just heard but learned) a lot about our US markets during this illustrated introduction.

As I promised,  here on Money reVerse I'm reviewing the scriptural references that encourages us to invest along with posting the answers to the questions that I did not get a chance to answer in the session.   If you were not a part of this meeting you can also benefit by getting answers to these excellent questions that were presented by the group that was in attendance.

Biblical Scriptures that Encourage Investing

"Cast your bread upon the water, for you will find it after many days."  Ecclesiastes 11:1 NKJV 

This wisdom note, is presented to us by Solomon, son of King David.  This principle encourages me to not consume everything that I have but instead, send some away with an expectation that I will see it again.  I'd like to affectionately refer to this as the "now and later" theory.  In the Christian Holy Bible, bread is metaphorically used to reference any food or other necessities required to sustain life.  With this information in mind, this scripture invites all of us to purposefully take what we could clearly use for life now and (I'll introduce the word "invest" here) invest it for a return that is to come at a later time in life.

Now here's a clear biblical example of investing - the parable of the talents.

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them.  And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.  

Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.  And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.  But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money.  After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

“So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’  His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’  He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.  And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed.  So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.

‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.  And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’   
                                                                                                              Matthew 25:14-30 NKJV

From this parable, let me define a few things to help to make this more relevant to us today.  The word kingdom can be defined as the area of influence or rule.  Think of heaven as the place or the way that God has set aside for those that profess to be Christians.  Pulling that all together, let's say that the Kingdom of Heaven can be defined as God's perscribed way of doing things in the place that is set aside for us.  Heaven is what Christians are striving for.  

In this parable the ruler was going on a journey but clearly expected that his money was going to continue to grow while he was away.  He called his trusted servants that knew him and knew his expectations to manage the money in his absence.  Scripture states that he knew what their abilities were and in reading between the lines, I'm stating that he didn't put them in a situation where they could fail miserably. 

Let's define a talent.  In the ancient Green and Roman times, a talent was a weight and unit of currency.  Think of this as referring to money as an ounce of silver, an ounce of gold, an ounce of copper or other medium of exchange.  For them during the the time that this scripture was written, the talent was the money. 

Our takeaway from this parable should be the understanding that we are expected to use what we have in our hands and our wisdom and tenacity to be the best managers possible.  The best managers expect- not hope but expect - to prosper in all things.  In this parable, this was not negotiable.    All three servants understood this clearly.  Two of the three servants took this seriously and invested what was entrusted to them.  This took courage, faith and commitment to doing what was expected of them.  Christian biblical scripture clearly outlines that it is expected that we are prosperous - in all areas of life (click here to see my earlier blog post on this topic).  Make a special note of the principle introduced in this parable that what is made available to us is in line with our current management abilities.  Improve your money management skills, learn to profit with what you have and get ready for the promotion of being entrusted with more!  

General Stock Market and Investing Questions

Q: Can you explain your statement to understand how a company makes their money before you invest in their stock?
A: Ahh... good question!  In my opinion, this should be modus operandi for any and everyone that is looking to invest in stock - actually I'd like to pass along this concept as one that you should adopt when considering investments of any kind.   There should be a single solitary goal of an investment you're considering - to make money.  Period.  The question that should be asked before you invest is "how are we expecting this investment to make money?".  If the answer doesn't make sense to you I'd advise against putting money in it.  Before investing in a company stock, I'd advise that you review the company's quarterly (10Q) and annual (10k) reports.  Buried in there should be the answer to the question you should be asking of the company -  "How are you expecting to make money?".  If you can't buy into the money making plan, don't buy into the stock.

Q: How does a company decide how many stocks to make available for sale on the open market?
A:  Determining the number of stocks to make available for sale to the general public is one of many steps in the process of filing for an IPO (Initial Public Offering) with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).  Key players in the IPO process include the investment bankers that serve as the underwriters.  It is through underwriting that a very though evaluation of the business strategies and current and future earnings potential of the company are taken into account.  From there, the value of the IPO is proposed.  This IPO value is based on the number of shares available multiplied by the proposed price per share.   The short answer is the number of company stock shares made available for sale is determined by the investment bankers based on the value of the company.

Q: How do companies pull shares off the market?
A:  Pulling shares of a company stock off the market thus making them unavailable to be purchased by the general public is accomplished through a stock buyback activity.  A company will purchase their own stock - either in the open market (stock available for anyone to purchase) or by making an offer to existing stock holders to purchase their stock from them.  The result of a company owning more of its own stock,  is that there is less of the company stock available for others to purchase.  We see this in cases where the company would like to lessen the threat of a single individual or interest group purchasing enough stock that could put them in a controlling position within the organization.

Q: What are the proper steps in researching a company?
A:  Now,  that is a great question to ask!!  I think the most important thing to note is that when you buy a stock you're buying a piece of the company.  It is important to know what you're buying!!  Just like you would not pay good money for a black box with no label or information about it's contents, you should not buy a stock without learning about and agreeing with the current and future activities of the company.  We didn't cover this in the session but here are a few questions that I never fail to answer  about a company before I buy their stock.

  • What is the company's financial status (are they making a profit?) 
  • What is the company's Business model (how do they make money?)
  • What is the company's competition standing (how do they compare to their competitors?) 
  • How is the associated industry performing in today's market?

With any investment, you've got to look at the numbers.  Remember, the primary reason that we're investing is to make money.  Even if it's your grandfather's company - if the numbers don't look right, don't invest!  When I say look at the numbers here's a few things that I must know as I consider investing in a stock:
Volume - Is this stock a darling in the market?  Are a lot of people interested in this stock?

Stock Price - how is this stock priced in relation to it's all time high?  It's all time low?  It's competitors?

Patterns / Trends - What is this stock doing?  Going up?  Going down?  Staying the same?  I look at these trends over the last 1 year and last 3 years

Historical numbers - If I had looked at these numbers this time last year what would I have seen?

My favorite site for getting this research information is www.marketwatch.com. This is a free site that is   sponsored by the Wall Street Journal.  I introduced you this site in the stock market primer session - this is the one that I projected during the demo.    If you were not at the session  and are interested in researching stocks give this site a try.  It's simple to navigate and has a wealth of pre-investment information!

Getting the basic information about a company is called Fundamental Analysis.  Looking at the numbers for investment purposes is known as Technical Analysis.  When you get serious about investing in stocks make it a point to get some education on these two types of analysis prior to making stock trades.

Q: Don't most wealthy people own or trade stocks?
A:  I'd guess yes.  Defining wealthy as having a great deal of money, resources or assets, it is more than likely the wealth is not the result of only working on a job.  Many wealthy individuals received their wealth from wages, investment and/or inheritance.  Because the stock market is a proven way to invest, many well-to-do folks have stocks as a part of their investment portfolio.

Q: What do I use to buy and sell my stock?
A:  To buy and sell stock you will need to have a brokerage account.  This is a special type of bank account in which you deposit the funds that you'd like to use to invest and you would place "orders" for stocks and other securities against those funds by using this particular account.   When you deposit funds in this account, the funds are yours to manage as you see fit but the bank or brokerage firm actually completes the stock trade on your behalf.  Many firms charge you a commission - a per transaction fee that is added onto the cost of placing each security purchase.  This actually sounds more complicated than it really is.   Don't be intimidated by all of the new terms introduced here.  Managing your investment securities by using a brokerage account is actually quite simple!

Q: How do I pick a brokerage account?
A:  That is a very good question!  The best advice that I can give is that you pick a brokerage account the same way that you pick any other bank account.  Look at the services, tools, minimal account balance requirements, costs and fees and pick an account that works best for you when it comes to these items.  Shop around and make sure that the brokerage services line up with how you think you will trade.  If you think that you will make lots of trades, look for the lowest commission rate that you can find.  This may be at a cost of having fewer research tools available to you as a part of the account services.    If you think that you will not make a lot of trades, make sure that the service does not penalize you with a fee for dormant accounts.  If buying stocks and options are in your future, ensure that the account that you get is priced right for both of these securities.  Again, get an idea of what you think you'd like to do within the account and go with the firm that has the best prices and services match your planned investment activities!  Shopping for brokerage accounts is the fun part.  Google the phrase "brokerage account comparison" and start window shopping for a brokerage account today.  No harm in looking!

Q: Please clarify what the SEC is and what it does.

A:  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a government entity that was created by congress for the specific purpose of protecting investors through regulation of the securities markets.  A key way that this protection is accomplished is by promoting full public disclosure of the financial activities of all public companies.  These financial activities are detailed in the mandatory quarterly and annual reports that public companies must file with the SEC in addition to narratives of company officers.  For us as investors, the SEC is our friend because companies that make their stock available for sale on the open market are required to remain in good standing with the SEC reporting regulations.  These are the reports that we use for our pre-investment research activities.  All reports submitted by companies to the SEC are available for viewing by the general public.  That's you, that's me and any others interested in investing in any securities market.   Praise God for the SEC!

Q: How do you use stock purchases and transactions to make money?
A:  I can't say this enough - there should be one objective to investing - to make money.  Period.
Making money through stock purchases center around purchasing a stock at a low price, holding the stock while the price rises and selling the stock while it is at the high price.  The difference in the price in which you purchased the stock and the price in which you sold it is your profit from that particular stock trade.  The goal is to have multiple instances of selling a stock at a higher price than what you paid to purchase it.  This is the primary strategy of making money from stock purchases.  Simply said - buy low, sell high!

That's it for now but since I've got even more of your questions to answer, stay tuned for part 2!!

Click here for the next post in this series

Thursday, April 18, 2013

North Central Texas College - Flower Mound, Texas: It was great being a part of your semester!

Wow!  When that’s all you know to say, you know that it was a great day!
I was invited to North Central Texas College in Flower Mound, Texas as a guest speaker for the Learning Frameworks class today.   I must say that I had such a fun time!  Thanks again for instructor Harold Jackson (coach) for inviting me to stand in his stead.  The students in this class were engaging and encouraged to move forward with becoming more fiscally empowered!  

As I mentioned to the class, April is National Financial Literacy Month!  Everyone is encouraged to devote time and commitment to improving their personal knowledge, strategies and involvement in their personal and business finances.  The key objective here is to better enable us to build a secure future for ourselves and our families through the financial decisions that we make on a daily basis.

Ok class members... Here’s the summary of the class take-aways!
  1. Begin using a spending plan!  Be purposeful in how you handle every penny that is entrusted to you.  A key way to do that is to prepare a plan and measure against the plan with the actuals for your income and spending.  If you’d like to use the spreadsheets that I used in the examples, request them from me.  They are free!
  2. If you haven’t reviewed your credit report and credit score in the last 12 months, take an action to do that now!  Visit www.annualcreditreport.com to get your entitled credit reports from each of the three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion).  You are entitled to one free report from each bureau each year.  I’d advise you to get your credit score when requesting this credit report.  This score can included with your order for less an $10.
  3. Know what is used to calculate your FICO credit score and adjust your actions as needed to improve your score.  Your FICO score is within the range of 300 to 850 and is made up of the following sources:

Your FICO Score Explained

 35% of your FICO score is based on your payment history.  On-time payments improve   your score.  Late payments means a lower score
30% of your FICO score is based on the amount of credit that you owe.  To improve your score, don’t charge your accounts to the limit.  Try to keep each credit account at no more than 30% charged.
15% of your FICO score is based on the length of time that you’ve had credit.  Don’t cancel the credit cards that you’ve had a long time.  Pay them off and hold them!  The older “account opened” dates improve your FICO score
10% of your FICO score is based on the types of credit that you have.  Try and maintain  a mortgage, revolving and installment account without blemishes and watch your score improve!
10% of your FICO score is based on credit inquiries.  Lenders requesting information on your credit history tend to lower your score as it creates questions of you potentially becoming overextended.  Plan when you will give companies permission to pull your credit information and try to do your “price shopping” activities within a 14 day time span to limit the number of inquiries on your report.

Again, thanks to Coach Jackson and the students of NCTC Learning Frameworks class for welcoming me.  Here’s to a more abundant financial life for each of us as a result of our paths crossing!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Money reVerse Stock Trading DVD Course Winner Announced!

Congratulations to Jo Ann Williams!!  She is the winner of the Money reVerse Stock Trading DVD Course  by Jeff Cooper "Seven Setups that Consistently Make Money".

As a Money reVerse follower by email, Joann was selected by a random drawing as the winner of this investment education DVD course.  When she was informed of this win, she thanked God and celebrated shamelessly!!   

Stay tuned for announcements of additional opportunities to win from Money reVerse.

In case you're wondering - JoAnn Williams is my sister!  Family members and friends of the Money reVerse author (yours truly) are eligible to win!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Remembering and Honoring 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Civil Rights Leader



Nobel Peace Prize Winner        










Remembering the Life and Legacy of 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr 

January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Win a Stock Trading DVD Course from Money reVerse!

Win a Stock Trading DVD Course from 
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Seven Set-ups that Consistently Make Money 
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Make money in the stock market in 2013.  Learn a winning trading strategy on your time schedule!!

A reliable trading set-up can be worth a fortune in winning trades.  

In this DVD course, Jeff Cooper, author of the bestselling Hit and Run books, hands over his seven most consistently profitable set-ups.  

With great detail, this course provides an explanation of each set-up and examples of the money making power in action!

Winner will be selected from a random drawing of Money reVerse subscribers and followers on Thursday 1/31/2013.

Subscribe to www.moneyreverse.net via email or follow @moneyreverse on twitter and you're entered to win!

Follow Money reVerse blog and twitter and you're entered twice!!

Pencils, Bowl of berries, tablet and reading glasses not included with the DVD course.  (Berries tasted great!)

Official Rules:  Eligible entrants must be US residents age 18 or older on 1/31/2013.  No purchase necessary to enter.  Winner will be selected by random drawing of eligible participants.  Eligible participants are individuals that meet the above listed criteria and subscribe to email electronic updates (follow by email) to Money reVerse website at www.moneyreverse.net or by following twitter updates from @moneyreverse twitter account.  Electronic subscription confirmation must be completed for each entrant.  Each eligible participant may have a single entry for each email address that follows the Money reVerse website and a single entry for each twitter account that follows @moneyreverse.  Odds of winning determined by the number of entries.  Winner will receive a Trade Secrets DVD course Seven Set-ups that Consistently Make Money after being selected in a random drawing on 1/31/2013.  Winner will be notified by the communications method used to enter the sweepstakes and will have 14 days to acknowledge notification of prize winning.  Failure to respond to winner notification in 14 days will result in the forfeiting of the prize and an alternate winner being selected.  Prize estimated retail value is $129.00  Winner will be required to sign a release and affidavit of eligibility that allows the use of the winner's name and location and/or likeness in a notification/marking campaign sponsored by Money reVerse.  This sweepstakes is in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Marketplace Books or Twitter, Inc.  Money reVerse Carrollton, TX 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fiscal Cliff: Simple Explanation of Bush Tax Cuts

Click here to listen to this post!
In continuing the United States Fiscal Cliff simple explanations, the question on the floor is "What are the specific items that could effect our personal budgets in January 2013 if no tax relief extension measures are taken?"  One of those items is the Bush Tax Cuts.

Remembering 2001...

Before I jump too deeply into this, I'd like for you to travel in time with me.  Let's go back to January 2001.

The blockbuster movie releases included Mission Impossible II staring Tom Cruise and Gladiator with Russell Crow.  Among the music chart toppers were Faith Hill's  "Breathe",  Donnell Jones with "U Know What's up" and Destiny's Child's "Say My Name" (Take a few minutes to click the links here and enjoy the videos for these 12 year old favorites!!)  The national average price for a gallon of gas was $1.46 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was dipping a bit in comparison to the numbers that we saw in 1999 and 2000.  The 'dot.com' boom and other technology frenzy items had been responsible for the soaring stock market in the late nineties but now, January 2001, some of the quick start technology companies were going bankrupt and causing a downward spiral throughout the technology sector.

The Federal Reserve had started a correction for the soaring 'dot.com' economy of the late 1990s by raising the interest rates in the year 2000 which always slows down the economy a bit.  Between June 1999 and May 2000 the Fed had increased interest rates six times.  Many speculate that this was a key factor in our financial markets being unstable.  That "dot.com" bubble burst that was anticipated did take place and as a direct result we saw a crash of the NASDAQ in March 2000.  The NASDAQ is the stock market that has a strong technology sector makeup.

Believe it or not, we were in a position to have a federal tax surplus!  Our taxes were high and our national debt was low at 5.7 trillion dollars (at the time of this writing, our national debt 16.4 trillion dollars).  It was projected that our government would quickly pay off this national debt and end up with more income from taxes than was needed to pay our bills which is a condition that we want to avoid in a not-for-profit entity like our federal government.

We had just elected Texas Governor George W. Bush as our 43rd US President.  One of the President's top campaign promises was that there would be a tax reform that would lower taxes for the American people and that was one of the first things that was focused on after he took office on January 20th 2001.  As a result of these two pieces of legislation were passed.  The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA) was signed into law on June 7, 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA) was signed into law on May 28, 2003.  These are hardly referenced separately because as you can see when we go further, they are very closely associated.  These two pieces of legislation are known as the Bush Tax Cuts.  You also hear these referenced as the Bush-era Tax Cuts.  Together they comprise a broad sweeping set of tax law changes that meant lower taxes for individuals and businesses within the United States.  The initial proposal for the EGTRRA was to permanently implement the these tax law changes but that was met with resistance and speculation that the required number of passing legislative votes would not be reached.  It was passed as a Reconciliation act which required it to include a sunset date for many of the included provisions while taking advantage of a lower number of required votes and a limited debate time. The bill passed with a 10 year time of implementation - scheduled to expire on December 31, 2010.

Looking at 2003...

After 2001 our national financial state was a bit more grim.  We were still dealing with the bursting of the 'dot.com' bubble,  we were hit with the September 11 terrorist attack and feeling the pains of the collapse of major corporations like Enron, MCI Worldcom and Nortel after investigations confirmed unfair accounting practices.  The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Act of 2003 was signed into law to again introduce some tax relief measures to individuals and businesses within the US as a measure to stabilize and improve the state of families and the economy in America.  

What's in the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001? 
What's in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003?  
Did the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (Fiscal Cliff deal) change any of these legislated items? 

 Please note that what I share with you here is by no means the complete content of above listed legislative acts - there's a lot of detail there (confusing detail in my opinion).  You can get additional information on any of these items by referencing the actual laws online.  I've included the links to the federal archives for each of these items at the end of this blog post.

In reference to the EGTRRA, this law introduced significant changes to our Internal Revenue Code. There are many many items in this act.  I'll outline them here and will go into more detail of those that are most applicable to most of us.  I've noted those with an asterisk.

Outline of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001

*Title I     --  Individual Income Tax Rate Reductions      
*Title II    --  Tax Benefits Related to Children (Child tax credits)
*Title III   --  Marriage Penalty Relief
 Title IV   --  Affordable Education Provisions
 Title V    --  Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Provisions
*Title VI   -- Pension and Individual Retirement Arrangement Provisions
*Title VII  -- Alternative Minimum Tax (Increase in AMT exemption)
 Title VIII --  Other Provisions (miscellaneous item like no income tax for restitution paid to victims of NAZI regime and expansion of authority to postpone tax related deadlines in time of disaster)

Because the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation act of 2003 (JGTRRA) was so closely tied to the EGTRRA 2001 Act, I'll note adjustments introduced in 2003 act in-line with the 2001 explanations.

To avert the tax side of the Fiscal Cliff,  the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA aka the Fiscal Cliff Deal) was passed on January 1, 2013.  Because the provisions of this legislation also references the Bush Tax Cuts, I'll also include the effects of this 2012 Relief Act in these explanations.

A key item about the ATRA (Fiscal Cliff Deal) that is not related to the Bush Tax Cuts:  In 2013  all US taxpayers will see less in our paychecks.  This is because the ATRA did not extend the 2012 Payroll Tax Holiday.  As a result our Old Age, Survivor and Disability Insurance tax rate returned to 6.2%.  We had been enjoying a reduced rate of 4.2% as a result of the 2010 Tax Relief Act.  We will see this tax increase on our paychecks as an increase in FICA or OASDI effective in January 2013.

Title I - Individual income tax rate reductions - This was a direct reduction in our federal tax obligations.  We saw this rate reduction when we completed our annual income tax return each year beginning in the 2001 tax year.  For us, when we referenced the tax table as a part of completing our annual returns, the reduced amount of tax we owed for our income level was reflected in those tax tables.   These reductions were originally scheduled to be gradually phased in over a period of 6 years, from 2001 to 2006.  Here's a chart the shows the reduction percentages and original time schedule:

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act of 2001
Individual Income Tax Rate Reductions

                          ----- Original Tax Rate ------    
Calendar year             28%      31%      36%     39.6%
2001..................   27.5%    30.5%    35.5%    39.1%
2002 and 2003.........   27.0%    30.0%    35.0%    38.6%
2004 and 2005.........   26.0%    29.0%    34.0%    37.6%
2006 and thereafter...   25.0%    28.0%    33.0%    35.0%

A new 10% tax bracket was created and the 15% tax bracket was modified to be effective for individuals with a higher income than before.  Again, the rates were reduced for everyone and there were no actions on our part required to realize these reductions.  They were built into the IRS tax tables.

The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 accelerated us to the scheduled 2006 reduced tax rates in 2003.

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (Fiscal Cliff Deal) permanently legislates these lower Bush-era income tax rates for all taxpayers that have a taxable income lower than $400,000 ($450,000 for married taxpayers and $425,000 for head of households).  The tax rate for these higher income levels is 39.6%.

Title II - Child Tax Credits - The Child tax credit is a credit that is allowed per qualified dependent child for families that make less than $130k annually.   Note that a tax credit is an adjustment to your tax liability that make it look as if you've already paid the tax.  This is different than a deduction which makes you look as if you don't owe the tax.  The amount of this credit was originally capped at $500 per child.  The 2001 Tax Act (EGTRRA) introduced gradual increases to this $500 per child credit to $1,000 per child over the 2001 to 2010 time period.  

The Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 ended the phased-in approach and accelerated this tax credit to it's planned $1,000 level in 2003.    

This credit is reduced from the $1,000 per child amount for higher income families that have adjusted annual gross incomes that exceed the following guidelines:

        $110,000 for Joint filers         $75,000 for single filers        $55,000 for Married filing separately

 The Fiscal Cliff Deal (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012) permanently extends the $1,000 child tax credit.

chrisharvey dreamstime.comTitle III - Marriage Penalty Relief - Before this act was signed into law, the amount of the IRS standard deduction for an individual tax filer was less if that individual was married.  This means that if an individual is married, by law they owe more taxes than a single person.  To break this down simply, If I'm single and I made $100 of income for the year and the allowable amount of money that is my standard deduction is $5 then my taxable income is $95 and I will owe the IRS tax on this $95.   In this same example, if I'm married the allowable amount that I and my spouse can claim as a standard deduction if we file individually is $3 each making our taxable income $97 on that same $100 of income.  Both my spouse and I are penalized just for being married.  The tax change here was to make the amount of the standard deduction the same for an individual regardless of their tax filing status.  If married individuals choose to file jointly, the deduction is two times the amount of the individual deduction so that again, there is no difference in the tax liability whether single or married. 

These marriage penalty relief adjustments were originally planned to be phased-in beginning in the year 2005.  The 2003 Tax Act, in an effort to stimulate the slowing economy,  accelerated these changes to be in full effect that tax year.  The Tax Relief Act of 2010 extended these marriage relief adjustments so that they would be in effect through the 2012 tax year.  The Fiscal Cliff Deal (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012) made this marriage penalty tax relief permanent.  

Title IV - Affordable Education Provisions - In the 2001 Tax Relief Act there were many changes and additions made to our taxing structure in the name of affordable education.  There's a huge section on this.  I'm not going to detail any of these here (this topic could warrant it's own separate blogpost) but if you have a close tie to education (are a student or have children that are students, are a teacher or have plans to set aside funds for the future education needs of your family), take some time to look up the changes that were implemented.  Again, these are in effect now.  

The Fiscal Cliff Deal extended and made permanent a number of tax incentives designed to promote education. This deal even resumed  retired education tax incentives.  Again, please take the time to look at the tax codes associated with education to get the specifics.  

Title VI - Pension and Individual Retirement Arrangement Provisions - With the 2001 Tax Relief Act,  a gradual increase in the amount of allowed contributions to IRA accounts was set to motion.  This increased the previous $2,000 maximum contribution amount to a $5,000 maximum contribution amount.  This limit increase was scheduled to be implemented gradually over the 2002 to 2008 timespan with $1,000 contribution increases every two years. 

There were also many good changes made that improved the handling of retirement funds including making these funds more portable.  Because these changes were not temporary and would not be affected as a result of Fiscal Cliff negotiations, I'm not going to focus on these items here.  

The Fiscal Cliff Deal further improved retirement savings opportunities.  Participants with 401(k) plans that have Roth conversion options can now make conversions to Roth at any time instead of being restricted by age and qualifying life events.  While this improves our retirement account flexibility, when converting to a Roth account, the tax is due at the time of conversion thus generating tax revenue.  Of course, we can initiate Roth conversions anytime that we'd like to do so... Our government surely does not have a problem with us initiating a tax payment!   

Title VII - Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) - This is a big one.  Back in the day the AMT was known as the 'flat tax'.   This taxing structure is typically applied to upper middle class households with a large number of deductions.  It was designed to prevent large deductions and tax shelters from lowering the tax liability in a way that would enable individuals to legitimately not be liable for what is considered a "reasonable" amount of tax.  Here's an example that may make this more simple to understand.   Let's say that each tax deduction that you have is a coupon -  like the ones in that pouch of coupons that you get in the mail weekly (Your tax deductions include your personal exemption, dependent children, medical expenses, mortgage interest deduction...).  You take the coupons with you when you want to buy what is advertised.  To prevent you from having so many coupons that you end up getting the item or service for free, your coupon may be limited to only allow a single coupon per visit,  it may be invalid when presented with other coupons... etc.  What the business that extended the coupon is attempting to do is to prevent you from paying less than what they've deemed as a minimum price for the product or service being sold.  If you have a lot of coupons, you will only be allowed to have a discount up to a certain amount - you will have to pay something for the product or service no matter how many coupons you present. 

The AMT uses this same logic when it comes to your federal income tax liability.  If you have many children, have a high dollar mortgage which gives you a large mortgage interest deduction and you give generously to many charities, without the AMT in place, it could be possible that you'd have a very low or zero tax liability.  Taking the AMT into account, the tax that you will pay will be the higher of either your calculated tax with deductions or the AMT or flat tax for your taxable income level.  If you fall into the category of having to pay taxes under the AMT guidelines,  to calculate your taxable income instead of applying deductions as you would when using the standard IRS tax tables, your adjusted income will be reduced by a single amount called the AMT exemption.   The 26% and 28% tax rate is applied to this taxable income.  This exemption amount was increased as a part of the 2001 Tax Relief Act (EGTRRA).  This higher deduction pushed millions of families outside of the boundaries of having to pay the AMT which is a higher than normal tax rate.

The Fiscal Cliff Deal increased the AMT exemption amount for the year 2012.  Allowances for inflation adjustments were implemented for years after 2012.  This prevented over 60 million taxpayers from being subject to the AMT for returns that are about to be filed for the 2012 tax year.  This is a permanent tax relief item.  

We made it to the end!  Whew, that's a lot of information!   Note that this is one of the five components of the Fiscal Cliff.    I challenge you to verify your source of this information (yours truly) and while doing that learn more about the specifics of these financial matters that are real to each of us.  Do that by referencing the actual legislation in the Federal Archives and IRS Tax Code supporting documents using the following links:

                                   Economic and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 
                                   Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003

                                   Internal Revenue Code (Tax Code)

                                   American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (Fiscal Cliff Deal)

Stay tuned for information on other Fiscal Cliff topics.  Was this helpful in any way?  Are there items that were more confusing than helpful?  Let me know through your comments.

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